Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Results heaven/hell

So exams are over and summer has begun! But if you're anything like me you're worrying about upcoming results!!! Well all I can tell you is there's nothing you can do now so just relax and enjoy your summer. And if on your results day you get the grades you need... WELL DONE! The work was worth it and it may mean you can move on to sixth form, uni or a new job so you'll have a reason to celebrate. But I know some people will be disappointed with their results and wonder what to do next. All I can say is don't make any rash decisions and seriously consider what you can do to make your situation better... Maybe you could organise a remark, resit or maybe find a way to still achieve a lot with the grades you got. People may stress how important exams are at school etc. but from my experience a bad grade isn't the end if the world! There is always a way to make life work in your favour so keep smiling, don't worry, and GOOD LUCK to you all :) 

Alee xx

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