Saturday, 26 April 2014

Pole fitness update

So I posted a while ago about starting my university's pole fitness society. So far I have really enjoyed it for lots of reasons.
-I feel a lot more confident - I have always been conscious of my size and never liked showing my legs so was nervous when I realised you have to wear very short shorts in a pole lesson, so you can grip to the pole. When I arrived at the first lesson I was terrified but then I realised that everyone was there for the same reason... To have fun. No one gave me funny looks, said anything and just concentrated on the exercise. Fair enough I'm still not up for showing off my legs much more anywhere else but standing next to really skinny, tall girls in short shorts and feeling ok is a huge step for me :)
- I've met some lovely people- I have recently joined the exec of this society so have a lot more say in how the society is run and it's also meant I've made a lot of friends. We've done photo shoots, fun socials and are planning so much to help each other and and enjoy time as a group. We all do very different subjects so I wouldn't have made as many friends if I had t joined and it's nice to meet new people in whatever way possible.
- I can see genuine improvement - I don't claim to be any good at pole but I've improved a lot since I started in around November. I've gained a lot more strength and control and by the end of the year I might be able to invert (go upside down), which both excites and terrifies me!

Also my university, Lancaster, has a competition with York university every year called Roses, where we compete in sports. For the first time Pole are competing and even though I will only be helping to organise the event and won't compete I'm so excited to be doing it. Pole fitness doesn't have a very good reputation so it's good to have the opportunity to show off what we are capable of.

Here are some photos of my progress so far :)

The Ball

Peter Pan
Sunbather spin 


I hope you enjoyed reading this and it inspires you to try something new that pushes your boundaries 

xx Ciao xx

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Starting again

So I've decided after a few months to start blogging again! I stopped mainly because I didn't feel like I had anything interesting to write. However 2014 has been a great year so far and I think I have a lot that I want to start sharing with people. I've got a lot planned, lifestyle posts, beauty, uni tips, food and more. 

I hope that people get some inspiration from my blog and enjoy what they read!

And Happy Easter :) 