But I'm not writing this to terrify anyone, however, its perfectly normal to be scared. Everyone who is moving away will be feeling the same and some people may even be new to the country. My advice is to relax and make the most of this opportunity. Since moving away from home I have become far more independent and mature and have learnt many life skills. Before uni I hadn't done a lot for myself, signing up to a doctors surgery or organising bank accounts, for example, really confused me on the first day. I couldn't even work a washing machine. It sounds ridiculous but living away from home teaches you far more than just what you're planning to take for your degree.
I know it's also hard to make friends straight away but I promise you the majority of people will be lovely and the best advice I can give you is... BE YOURSELF!! You will achieve nothing if you act like somebody you're not and you will be spending a lot of time with these people so you want to feel comfortable around them.
It may sound cheesy but you just need to Stay Positive. Good luck to everyone with their first week at Uni, hope you all enjoy yourselves :) xx